Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Rainbow: Marina

UPDATE: Marina's family has reported that they have the now funds to travel! Praise God!

Marina's family is set to travel in less than two weeks, and is still in need of raising a few more thousand dollars.
If you can help this family bring her home, please consider doing so today! Every little bit gets them closer; perhaps you can give up a few lattes this week and instead send the money her way? Perhaps you can brown bag lunch instead of picking something up this week? Please, let's help this family bring their child home!

Here's the link to Marina's site (you can donate here as well):
Saving Marina

"Orphans and vulnerable children are not a cause; they are a biblical and social mandate we can't ignore. A country half the size of the U.S.—that's how many orphans there are in the world. We're not talking about a small problem."                            Pastor Rick Warren
Read more here

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